Patient-Centered Medical Home Certified Content Expert Training Course

Course Objectives

The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Model is a new way of organizing primary care that puts patients at the center of care. It is designed to improve the quality of care, reduce costs, and improve patient satisfaction.

The PCMH Model is based on the following principles:
Patient-centeredness: The PCMH Model places the patient at the center of care, and providers work with patients to develop a plan of care that meets their individual needs. Coordinated care: The PCMH Model coordinates care across the entire health system, so that patients receive the right care, at the right time, in the right place.

Quality improvement: The PCMH Model is committed to continuous quality improvement, and providers use evidence-based practices to improve the quality of care they provide. Patient engagement: The PCMH Model encourages patients to be actively involved in their care, and providers provide patients with the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about their health.

The PCMH Model can be implemented in a variety of ways, but there are some common elements that all PCMHs share. These include:

  • A primary care provider (PCP) who is the patient’s “medical home.”
  • A team of providers, including nurses, pharmacists, and other allied health professionals
  • A system for coordinating care across the health system.
  • A commitment to quality improvement
  • A focus on patient engagement
  • There are many benefits to the PCMH Model, including:
  • Understand the PCMH model and its benefits.
  • Identify the core attributes of the PCMH model.
  • Implement the PCMH model in their own practice.
  • Measure the success of the PCMH model.

Upon successfully completing the course, participants will be able to:

Improved quality of care: PCMHs have been shown to improve the quality of care for patients with a variety of chronic diseases, including diabetes, asthma, and heart disease.
Reduced costs: PCMHs have been shown to reduce costs for both patients and payers.
Increased patient satisfaction: PCMHs have been shown to increase patient satisfaction with their care.
Increased provider satisfaction: PCMHs have been shown to increase provider satisfaction with their work.
Increased access to care: PCMH has been shown to increase access to care for patients.

Download the PCMH Training Course Description PDF

Course Syllabus/Timetable

Course Name: Patient-Centered Medical Home Certified Content Expert Training Course
Term: Summer 2023
Modality: Online
Schedule: TBA
Location: Zoom Link

Primary Instructor: Hannah George, RN, MSN, MBA CPHQ, CPPS
Office Location: Zoom
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays (Time TBD)

Additional Course Instructor: Mary Awuonda, Ph.D.

Course Support Team Member: Carrie Crowther, MPH
Phone: (202) 250-5121
Office Hours: By Appointment

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